A lot of your energy ‘output’ is determined by the foods you eat every day.
Some foods are ‘low energy foods’ while some give you more of a boost, and each food type affects you differently.
Let’s explore this..
We need energy daily to go about our business and move around without feeling tired etc.. You know how it works, so, here are 5 foods to increase energy.
These will give you a boost, some of them long-term and some short-term. Each one gives a different type of boost, and these are explained a little bit.. Let’s dive in..
Energy Food #1 – Berries
Berries are PERFECT for morning smoothies and they go great in any dessert, cereal or sweet dish. They’re also superfoods and contain lots of antioxidants and good stuff! Much better for you than most morning meal choices!
Energy Food #2 – Spinach
Spinach is one of the best foods to increase energy, it has a high iron content, and is a very fresh vegetable to enjoy in a smoothie. It mixes nicely with bananas. It’s no wonder ‘Popeye the sailor’ ate spinach to stay strong!
A little tip about Spinach is that to fully benefit from the iron content it’s best to not cook it, as this tends to reduce how much iron can be absorbed by the body when you eat it. For full benefits, eat it raw or in a smoothie with some fruit. Maybe even add some honey.
Energy Food #3 – Brown Rice
Brown rice is a great source of energy and it will keep you going for hours, it’s a lot better than white rice for you because white rice contains carbohydrates which are more quickly absorbed by the body meaning the energy is a quick burst.
Brown rice contains Low G.I* Carbs meaning they give a more slow and steady stream of energy, and it tastes great with some chicken and a white sauce. (*Glycemic Index – A rating based on how quickly the foods energy is absorbed into the body)
Energy Food #4 – Porridge Oats
Porridge oats are probably one of the best foods to increase energy as they give a noticeable boost in power and clarity within about an hour or so of eating them. They will keep you going throughout the day, so they’re a great thing to eat for breakfast if you’ve got a long day ahead.
Oats are a healthy food to eat because they provide steady energy just like the brown rice, which is more useful than a short burst, and make them a great meal. For short bursts, we look at the next food – The Banana.
Energy Food #5 – Bananas
The banana is a great energy food, probably the best one for a short burst of power and energy, it contains high amounts of sugar, and this sugar is almost instantly digested and pumped into your bloodstream.
This makes the banana a great thing to eat just before, during or after a workout as it gives you an instant source of power and strength. Next time you exercise, try having a banana either before you start or halfway through.
Some extras to boost your brainpower
We’ve spoken about the best foods for boosting your brainpower and making you feel better, but there is of course a lot more you could achieve. Times are changing and in 2018 there are LOTS of options for you to increase your energy naturally. If you haven’t already, I would suggest going Vegan as it can literally give you superpowers.
Failing that, there are lots of new and exciting things you can supplement or use that will make your brain fire on all cylinders. Here are the main quick boosts you can give your brain and body.
- CILTEP Nootropic – This is a natural nootropic (smart drug) that can massively increase your brainpower in just a few days, and I’ve been using this for a few months. It’s very effective and the best part is that the effects are permanent, so you can improve your brain for good.
- BlissCoded Sound: BlissCoded sound is a unique audio program that changes your brainwaves. This is MORE effective than binaural beats and you’ll feel the effects after just 65 seconds. Free samples on the site!
- Optineuro: If you need a quick boost, this is the best thing to take if you need to focus on something for a long period of time. This is commonly used among gamers and entrepreneurs who need to focus for a long period of time without getting jittery and anxious.
Best eating habits for feeling more energetic
The best way to feel like you have more energy during the day is to get into some sort of routine. Get enough sleep of course, but try and have fresh, hydrating foods in the morning like a smoothie made with fruits, vegetables and flax seeds. The mental and physical boost you’ll get for that is VERY noticeable.
Then going throughout the day try and focus on lots of vegetables but also things like pasta, lentils, rice and couscous.
This will provide you with long term, slow release energy which is what you need to keep you going throughout the day.