We love hearing from you, so feel free to get in touch with Transcend Your Limits.
If you have something you’d like o say to us, let us know via these options.
Suggestions for posts
If you have any suggestions, requests, or comments about any of the content on this site, please leave a message on either our social media profiles, or email us at contact at transcendyourlimits dot com
Business Requests
For business related messages, please email contact (AT) transcendyourlimits (DOT) com and state your request. This is the same for the press, or people wanting to find out more about guest posting, sharing of our content, etc.
Contributing Your Articles (Guest Posting)
We DO sometimes accept guest posts, and we are always on the lookout for new writers to work with.
For guest posting, please email contact (AT) transcendyourlimits (DOT) com and I’ll send you the details.
We offer free guest posting opportunities, and paid writer positions.
Please click here to apply to our writer position.
We also have positions for other things like video editors, web designers etc.
Contact Us!
I’m Kai and I run this site, TranscendYourLimits.com. Please reach out to me and email me at contact (AT) TranscendYourLimits (DOT) com.