Genius Consciousness is considered to be one of the better nootropic brain booster supplements out there. It’s a good all rounder, and has lots of interesting talking points. 

In fact, you can’t really call it a supplement.

Because you DRINK it.

It’s different to most other nootropics out there because you can sip on it throughout the day, meaning you have greater control of the dose, and when you need the brain boosts.

Better than capsules?

Some people prefer this to capsules, because with a drink you can DECIDE just like coffee, WHEN it hits you.

Not needing the boost now?

Just leave it in the glass by your desk. Need to focus more in a couple of hours time? A few sips will sort you out.

For that reason, you have more control over the dose, and when it ‘comes on’. 

This is much more control compared to typical nootropics where you just swallow them, and they come on in 15 minutes. 

If you’re looking for a fast-acting product to add to your morning routine and get your mind going, minus the sharp energy spikes and crashes associated, this is the right choice.

But is it really THAT good?

A DRINKABLE nootropic?

Genius Consciousness is a powdered drink mix made of some premium trademarked all-natural ingredients designed to provide high-performance thinking.

What a mouthful.

It enhances focus, improves memory, and boosts concentration. Genius Consciousness has redefined the nootropic category by harnessing the power of nature.

The Genius Brand, the manufacturer of this product, markets Consciousness as a “super nootropic awakening formula.”

Their claims include enhanced working memory, improved creativity, faster thinking, and bran growth.

Ingredients and Formula Analysis of Genius Consciousness

Genius Consciousness is comprised out of 10 clinically proven brain-boosting ingredients; five of them are trademarked.

The manufacturer is very transparent about the ingredients and their precise amount.

Whether a product like this will work or not is always subjective.

Genius Consciousness ingredients explained

In the words of experts, the results are not always typical. But by taking a closer look at the ingredients, it’s possible to get a rough idea of whether a product will work for you.

Let’s look at the ingredients, and more importantly? 

Let’s examine what each ingredient in Genius Consciousness ACTUALLY does in your brain and body. 

  • Acetyl L-Carnitine is an amino acid used as a boosting supplement for improving mood, memory, and learning. Given that this product contains only 500mg of ALCAR, it isn’t going to affect cognitive performance in any noticeable way.
  • Lion’s Mane is an edible and medicinal mushroom plant, and it has been used for centuries in Chinese and Japanese medical and culinary products. Researchers have proven that it contains erinacines and hericenones, which are actively involved in restoring old brain cells and generating new ones.
  • Alpha GPC is a natural choline compound found in the brain, which increases the levels of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is one of the most critical neurotransmitters in the human body, which, when elevated, improves thinking skills, remembrance, and learning. You might have more random lucid dreams as a result of this too.
  • L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. When used as a supplement, it enhances your brain, mood, and stress response. It’s also a precursor for three essential neurotransmitters: adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • Methyliberine or Dynamine is a powerful and fast-acting stimulant used mainly for increasing alertness and brain energy. Its activeness tends to be longer-lasting than that of the average stimulant on the market. In some cases, even up to three hours.
  • Neurofactor is an all-natural extract derived from the whole fruit of the Coffea Arabica. Clinical study has shown that it contains a unique profile of polyphenols that stimulate the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor. BDNF is a crucial neuroprotein that is directly involved in the overall health of the brain.
  • Phosphatidylserine is a primary structural component of brain cell membranes. Your body needs it to build new brain cells. It is phosphatidylserine that tells your brain to get rid of dead cells. It acts as a stress-relieving agent that can be beneficial to anyone in a high-performance work environment.
  • Panax notoginseng & Astragalus membranaceus – Panax is the Chinese ginseng which is less effective than the American one, and astragalus membranaceus is useful for improving your immunity. Since they don’t have any significant influence on cognitive functions, these two ingredients are probably just fillers.
  • Huperzine A is a plant extract that improves the effects of acetylcholine by shutting off the enzyme AChE. This enzyme usually gets rid of excess acetylcholine. Supplementing with Huperzine A means a greater focus, faster thinking, and better memory function. This is also a really good ingredient for things like lucid dreaming by the way.

Does Genius Consciousness work?

Yes, this nootropic drink works and some would say it can be absorbed better by the body since it’s a drink.

Liquids typically pass the blood brain barrier really well, so that’s another benefit of this over standard nootropic supplements. 

How long does Genius Consciousness last for?

Genius Consciousness lasts as long as you want it to, because you can sip on the drink throughout the day.

Don’t use more than the suggested dosage, but you can sip on that FIRST glass of it slowly over the course of the day, meaning it can last how long you want it to!

Dosage and Effects

The recommended serving of Genius Consciousness for anyone starting out is half a scoop in 6-10 oz of water consumed 15-30 minutes before the mental performance.

However, for higher energy and more intense focus, you are free to upgrade to one full scoop in 8-12 oz of cold water.

Since this product contains Huperzine A, for which a human body builds tolerance pretty quickly, it should be taken in CYCLES.

The general rule of cycles with nootropics is to have any two days off each week.

It’s recommended, for optimal effects, to take the dose on an empty stomach and early in the morning. It can also be ingested as a pre-workout around 30 minutes before working out for the best results.

Side Effects

All the ingredients listed above are 100% natural plant-derived compounds that are safe to use, but we still recommend talking to your doctors before using this product.

Though the possibility of side effects is low if taken in large quantities and for a prolonged period, the product may produce side effects such as nausea, dry mouth, and nervousness.

Is Genius Consciousness vegan?

Yes luckily, this nootropic is vegan which is a benefit for vegans among you. If you’re reading this thinking ‘why do I care about being vegan’ and you’re interested in boosting brainpower? 


My brainpower has massively improved since I eliminated animal products from my diet and I have lots of reasons for that. But if you’re in a rush, just save this article about being vegan to read for later.

Benefits and warnings of Genius Consciousness

A surge in performance is likely to occur roughly 10 minutes after taking this nootropic drink. It will boost your ability to think and help you remain focused.

You could say that it’s like taking a cup of coffee on steroids (if such a thing existed).

Unlike coffee however, Genius Consciousness doesn’t create a slump after a few hours. (You might be interested in a nootropic coffee we reviewed a while ago?)

The formula contains cholinergic and dopamine-related ingredients which ensure that its effects last longer than those of caffeine.

This product works, and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work for you unless you have a built-up tolerance to any of its ingredients.

The nootropic drink promises to improve mental capacity and performance in brain functions such as creativity, energy, mood support, and reduced brain fog.

Genius consciousness: Limitless in a can?

We recommend Genius Consciousness to anyone who is just starting to use nootropics since it won’t do much for more experienced nootropics users.

Anyone who is not allergic to caffeine or has built-up tolerance to Alpha-GPC, Huperzine-A, etc. can benefit from this product.

It’s especially useful for people who need to break their coffee dependence.

This easy-to-use nootropic drink is the right solution for your overbooked schedule, as it acts fast and quickly sharpens your focus and heightens your ability to concentrate.

The friendly price tag can be explained by the product’s lack of potency when compared to the competition, and some higher quality nootropics.

Still, it’s a right product for any newcomers who are just entering the world of cognitive-enhancement drugs.