So in this post, I wanna talk about why you probably feel tired all the time.
A lot of people especially in the western world in America and England in particular but also other parts of Europe and I guess everywhere…
People feeling tired, stressed, sad, depressed, it’s not MEANT to be like that.
There are a number of reasons for this and I think people need to be aware of why this is happening, and what you can do about it.
We’re not meant to feel that way. We’re not meant to feel tired and sick and depressed and all that stuff.
Why do I feel tired all the time?
I’ll explain why most people feel tired and what you can do about it, so you got a first understand that the way society works.
Now in a capitalist society, big companies especially things like big Pharma, food companies…
They make money from selling the cure for something that’s already happened.
So they make money from selling the cure to treat the symptoms of something that’s already happened, now in many cases, this is something like a disease which you could revert by diet.
But in other cases, it can be caused by sleep and other things.
In a nutshell, the big companies make money selling you the cure for something that’s already happened without treating the actual problem.
They ignore the underlying cause of the symptoms, and that’s one of the biggest problems and one of the biggest reasons why people remain tired.
They remain sick, because the companies make less money if you actually get better.
3 reasons you’re not feeling 100%
They make more money if you remain in this limbo state, where you’re feeling okay, but you’re not feeling 100%.
You’re feeling maybe 60% and so there are three main sets of components to explain the three main reasons why you might not be feeling 100%.
1: Your sleep quality SUCKS
So the first one is sleep, and sleep is one of those things that it’s hard to get right because we’re in a world now where social media makes it very difficult to detach from our phones.
The media we consume on them in the form of films, videos on YouTube, Instagram posts, it makes it hard to detach from that.
You need to just separate and relax before going to bed.
Also, most of us are in what’s called a 9-to-5 rat race, so we HAVE to wake up at a certain time.
We have to get out and go to work, and for that reason, we are not able to catch up on sleep if we need to. (You can escape the rat race by the way).
So we have to go to bed at the right time, if we don’t do that, then we’re never going to have enough sleep to restore and heal and recover our bodies ready for the next day.
So the first part is actually getting to bed on time. The second part is to make sure that in the hours leading up to when you go to bed you do not consume mindless content.
That you don’t just stare into your phone screen or watch video games.
By blocking that blue light from entering your eyes, you enable your body to produce melatonin which is a sleep hormone.
This helps you fall asleep immediately, and it keeps you sedated throughout the entire night.
It’s pretty powerful.
Most of us are deficient in melatonin because we consume content all night. We have lights shining into our eyes, right up until the moment we try and sleep!
So it’s no wonder that most people don’t get enough sleep!
2: Your diet SUCKS
The second one is diet, and this is where I’m gonna lose about half of you, because diet is very debatable.
It’s very controversial but in my opinion, and also in the opinion of many other intelligent people, plant based is the answer.
The plant-based diet is the best diet, now straight off the bat people disagree with me because there is no ‘best diet’ there is no diet that works for everyone, and to some degree that’s true.
However, in most cases, a plant-based diet will either stop or reverse most major diseases and conditions in the world.
This has been shown by many different nutritional studies, many different scientific studies, across a wide range of people.
But beyond that, you will just feel the difference. If you give up dairy and meat for 30 days, you will feel so much better that there is no going back.
You cannot then go back to eating hamburgers every weekend, and eating loads of macaroni cheese and things like that, because you feel so good WITHOUT doing that, that you don’t want to go back to that bad sluggish sick feeling.
And one of the many interesting things about this is when you actually go vegan or plant-based you start to suddenly you immediately see how bad you were feeling before!
Because it’s contrasted by how good you feel when you go vegan.
3: Finding your purpose
The third aspect of this, is not actually a physical one at all, so the title of this article is probably something like ‘why you feel tired all the time’, and the REASON that you are feeling tired all the time is mainly because of the first two things.
Your sleep is bad and your diet is bad. The third one (and by the way exercise goes without saying that you should be exercising that will make everything easier) the third one is to do with what is called your purpose.
What’s your purpose?
Purpose is a very interesting word.
Most people misunderstand this, your purpose is basically what you came to earth to do. Why are you here? And a lot of people don’t even know that they HAVE a purpose.
By the way, here’s how to discover your purpose very quickly.
They just go through life and eat things, they go to work, they go out drinking with her friends, they watch TV and nothing really happens beyond that.
That is their entire life, and that’s quite sad, because everyone has a special purpose.
As humans, we are wired to need a purpose. We are wired to achieve something, whether it’s a small goal or a bigger goal, so if you’re feeling tired and you don’t know why, it could be one of those first two things.
But it could be that you haven’t thought enough about what your purpose is!
You’ve been neglecting your purpose, maybe you haven’t been even considering you’ve just been doing things that you’ve been told to do, without thinking about what you feel you should do.
Hopefully, this has helped, and hopefully, this makes a little bit of sense. I know it’s a bit of a confusing topic and it will be a very debatable one as well so I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, and my other videos as well.
If you’re confused about any of this by the way, diet, sleep, motivation, I have many videos about these things, so check out my channel!